blurry vision

How Increased Vision Problems Affect Health Care Costs

Save Your Vision Naturally: How Increased Vision Problems Affect Health Care Costs

It’s no secret that vision issues are common. According to the World Health Organization, over 2.2 billion people currently suffer from vision impairment or blindness. More importantly, out of those 2.2 billion, one billion could have saved their vision naturally if their problems had been addressed sooner. The vast majority of these people experiencing vision […]

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

You’re staring at a blank wall when you notice small moving figures. They seem to squirm and squiggle across the wall. What is going on? These weird shapes and squiggles are often called “floaters.” They can be especially alarming if you’ve never noticed them before. However, it’s perfectly normal to see some floaters when you […]

How a Healthy Diet Can Improve Blurry Night Vision

How a Healthy Diet Can Improve Blurry Night Vision

There can be several underlying causes of blurry vision at night. One of the best ways to address the problem is to first find out why you are experiencing blurry vision. It could be cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, myopia, astigmatism or some other eye ailment. After learning the underlying cause, it is easier to address the […]

Home Remedies to Improve Eyesight

Home Remedies to Improve Eyesight

Your eyes are the windows to the world around you. However, what happens when the picture becomes blurry or unclear? It’s true that overall brain health significantly impacts vision health. So, what helps your brain can ultimately help your eyes as well. There are many factors that can affect your eyes, including diseases, injuries, and […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Astigmatism

Best Eye Vitamins for Astigmatism Image

If you’ve been to the eye doctor, you’ve likely heard of astigmatism. This eye condition is one of the most common contributors to less-than-perfect vision. In fact, more people have astigmatism than you may think (and many do not even know it, especially if it is slight). If you have blurry vision or have been […]

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

We all know that our bodies are bound to change as we age. Systems slow down, injuries occur, and we just aren’t the same person as we were in our 20s, for better or worse! Vision changes are a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to succumb to age-related eye health […]

Chronic Dry Eye Becoming a Serious Problem

Chronic Dry Eye Becoming a Serious Problem

As the changing seasons bring more wind and changes in weather, you may notice that your eyes feel drier. Or, perhaps you’ve been struggling with dry eye for a long time. Chronic dry eye is a condition that occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears. It can cause sufferers to experience itchiness, blurred vision, […]

AMD Occurring Earlier Than Previously Thought

AMD Occurring Earlier Than Previously Thought

It’s no secret that vision deteriorates with age. This can be due to many reasons, from straining your eyes through overuse to genetic abnormalities. One of these issues is age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease that causes vision problems and blindness associated with people over the age of 50. Many people may put off worrying […]

CVS #1 Computer-Related Complaint in U.S.

CVS #1 Computer-related Complaint in U.S.

In a recent study, Microsoft found that the average worker spends seven hours a day in front of the computer. That’s more time than many people sleep. It’s no wonder that as our dependence on technology has grown, so have different technology-related health issues. One of the most prominent is Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS. […]

How Important Is a Full Night’s Sleep for Eye Health?

How Important Is a Full Night’s Sleep for Eye Health?

Most people would probably agree that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. With work and taking care of the kids to making dinner and cleaning the house to running errands and paying bills, it often feels like there simply aren’t enough hours to get everything done. So, what do […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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