Food For Your Eyes

A healthy diet isn’t only important to have a healthy body; what you eat also affects your vision. These articles delve into the eye health benefits and risks of our daily diets. From the foods highest in vision improving nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, to the eyesight-hindering highly processed foods that are so convenient, we talk about what you should and shouldn’t consume if you want to keep your eyes and vision healthy.

Foods to Avoid in the Hunt for Healthier Eyes

Foods to Avoid in the Hunt for Healthier Eyes

If you’re a consistent reader of Rebuild Your Vision, you know some key facts about what foods help keep your eyes healthy. Green, leafy vegetables can help protect your eyes from excess UV light, omega-3 acids help stimulate tear production, and so on. Unfortunately, that particular knife cuts both ways. A healthy diet can do […]

Facts and Myths About Carrots: What They Can Do for Your Eyes

Facts and Myths About Carrots Image

We’ve all heard it before: “Eat your carrots, they’re good for your eyes!” Granted, in most cases, our parents told us this at age five or six and we adamantly refused to eat whatever carrot-containing meal a parent had made. But their advice wasn’t just empty lip-service – well, not all of it, at least. […]

All About Chromium

All About Chromium Imagr

No, this isn’t going to be an article about Google or web browsers; today, we’re talking about minerals. Chromium is a mineral that is essential to our overall health, and especially our eye health. It is found in a variety of delicious foods, and it makes sure all protein and carbohydrates are broken down and […]

All About Eyebright

All About Eyebright Image

Finally, an eye-healthy nutrient that’s easy to pronounce! Even better, you can probably already figure out what it’s for just by hearing its name. The word “eyebright” suggests bright vision and bright eyes, but in reality, it does so much more. It gets its name from the fact that herbalists most often use it to […]

All About Copper Gluconate

All About Copper Gluconate

Copper gluconate (or rather, just copper) is by no means a newly discovered mineral. Copper’s been popping up in everything from pipes to cookware for centuries. As studies surrounding the health benefits of copper gluconate become more involved and intricate, researchers are finding that it is much more than just a substance that coats our […]

All About Rutin

All About Rutin

Now it’s time to talk about a bioflavonoid that’s always rooting for you and your health: rutin. Rutin is a plant-based bioflavonoid found in a number of citrus fruits. It’s amazing for you, and relatively easy to incorporate into your diet. We talk a lot about elements and chemical compounds that are good for our […]

All About N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

All About N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl Cysteine, or NAC for short, is probably the most underrated ingredient in our Ocu-Plus Formula. It is so underrated that even many doctors don’t fully know what this compound element is capable of treating. Trust us when we say NAC is capable of more than you would ever imagine. From being an antidote to […]

All About Selenium

All About Selenium Image

Selenium is one element in our Ocu-Plus Formula that maybe you haven’t heard of. If that’s the case, you should know that selenium is a trace mineral that is absolutely essential to the body. I know, we’ve said that about every trace mineral and ingredient for our Ocu-Plus Formula, but it is simply the truth. […]

All About Vitamin C

All About Vitamin C

If there’s one vitamin out of the 17 in our Ocu-Plus formula that you’ve already heard about, chances are, it’s vitamin C. This familiar face in the vitamin world is arguably the most important one for our body as a whole. Though our blog mainly focuses on eye health, we really like to promote overall […]

All About Vitamin A

All About Vitamin A Image

There’s a very good reason as to why we refer to vitamin A as “Vitamin Eye.” Simply put, this vitamin is the superhero of the eye health world. Vitamin A can help your vision in a number of ways, but it is also widely thought to help boost your immune system and help with cell […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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