Food For Your Eyes

A healthy diet isn’t only important to have a healthy body; what you eat also affects your vision. These articles delve into the eye health benefits and risks of our daily diets. From the foods highest in vision improving nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, to the eyesight-hindering highly processed foods that are so convenient, we talk about what you should and shouldn’t consume if you want to keep your eyes and vision healthy.

How Antioxidants Can Delay Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Benefits of Antioxidants in Delaying Age-Related Macular Degeneration

We talk a lot about age-related macular degeneration (AMD) here at Rebuild Your Vision, and for good reason. Eleven million people in the U.S. alone suffer from AMD. By 2050, this number will double. AMD is one of the primary factors responsible for destroying vision in middle age, and too few people take action to […]

How Often Should You Take Vitamin Supplements?

How Often Should You Take Vitamin Supplements?

So, how often should you take your vitamins? You’d think it’d be an easy question to answer. Many of us are so used to hearing about “daily multivitamins” that we take the one pill per day rate as a given. And while that often isn’t a bad place to start, it still is a simple […]

How a Healthy Diet Can Improve Blurry Night Vision

How a Healthy Diet Can Improve Blurry Night Vision

There can be several underlying causes of blurry vision at night. One of the best ways to address the problem is to first find out why you are experiencing blurry vision. It could be cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, myopia, astigmatism or some other eye ailment. After learning the underlying cause, it is easier to address the […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Smokers

Best Eye Vitamins for Smokers Image

We all know that our bodies slow down as we age. This is especially true of your eyes. However, taking vitamin supplements for the eyes can help to slow the deterioration process and restore good health. Many vitamins and supplements that promote eye health also have antioxidants that actually improve eyesight over time. And, many […]

How to Know If Your Eye Vitamins Are Working

How to Know If Your Eye Vitamins Are Working Image

You are what you eat, as the old saying goes. You probably grew up being told to take your vitamins every morning because they were good for you. But, once you take them, how do you know what they’re really doing? Whatever your experience with supplements is, at this point, an eye vitamin or supplement should […]

Beneficial Foods That Help Improve Eyesight

Beneficial Foods That Help Improve Eyesight Image

Wine anyone? For once, one of our bad habits may actually benefit our eyes. Red wine, taken in moderation, contains quercetin, which is a strong antioxidant. You don’t drink? Apples, grapes, cherries, oranges, and onions also contain quercetin. Macular degeneration can be prevented or slowed by this extraordinary antioxidant. Consider adding a glass of red […]

Nutrition in Vision: Try a Local Diet

Nutrition in Vision: Try a Local Diet

It’s no secret that fruit and vegetables are good for you because of their many beneficial nutrients. But did you know that produce that is locally grown is even better for you than what you may typically find in the supermarket? Not just better for your overall health, but a local diet even has major […]

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

We’re always looking for new ways to boost our eye health and watching out for lifestyle habits that can impact our vision. And when a new study emerges that proves one of our “bad habits” is actually good for us, then that’s cause for celebration! By now, most of us have heard that the occasional […]

Can Obesity Be a Factor in Poor Vision Health?

Can Obesity Be a Factor in Poor Vision Health?

In recent years, obesity has been a huge problem for many developed nations. The world’s obesity rate has tripled since 1975, which is definitely sobering. As the years go by, obesity rates seem to keep climbing. At the same time, the amount of obesity-related diseases, like heart disease, also increases. While it is clear there […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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