All About Glutathione
Ah, another free radical fighting antioxidant that is difficult to pronounce! Glutathione is an important antioxidant commonly found in animals, plants, fungi and several types of bacteria. This powerhouse nutrient is the queen and king of all antioxidants.
With its amazing healing powers like supporting metabolic detoxification, reducing oxidative stress, and maximizing immune system functions, it’s hard to imagine why anyone who gets a regular supply of this antioxidant falls ill at all. Well, while your body produces enough glutathione on its own, conditions like pollution, poor diet, aging, infections and more will deplete your levels.
But whether the conditions supporting your levels of this powerhouse antioxidant are out of your control or not, never fear. Rebuild Your Vision’s Ocu-Plus Formula will help you restore and maintain maximized levels of glutathione.
What Is Glutathione?
As we mentioned before, it’s an antioxidant. But what makes it the superhero antioxidant it is? Believe it or not, glutathione is the most important antioxidant for your immune system, but hardly anyone is talking about it.
Glutathione is the secret to preventing some of today’s scariest diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer. While this antioxidant is a crucial part of treating and preventing these diseases, deficiencies are far too common.
The key to glutathione fighting off diseases is sulfur. Sulfur is a smelly and sticky molecule that attaches itself to toxins in our body. When the bad stuff sticks to the sulfur, it isn’t given a chance to grow in the body. It’s nipped right in the bud. The problem comes when the body goes to recycle this nutrient.
Why the Deficiency?
Unfortunately, this specific antioxidant can’t be recycled when it’s too polluted. As the toxins sticking to the sulfur molecule multiply, it becomes harder for your body to reproduce glutathione. Once it becomes too difficult, your body will inevitably produce less and will result in a deficiency.
How do these deficiencies happen? The truth is we did it to ourselves. Sure, pollution isn’t something you have control over personally, but factories and cars and large cities all contribute to polluting our air. Our bodies, equipped with ancient DNA, are not able to handle these types of toxins.
But toxins aren’t the only thing that affects our levels of this antioxidant. Poor diets filled with processed foods that are stripped of any nutritional value also contribute to deficiencies. In a culture based on mass production and a speedy lifestyle, sometimes all we ever have time for are microwaveable pockets of food or frozen “gourmet” meals.
We’re lucky that glutathione is produced naturally in our body. However, we counteract its positive benefits with our toxic lifestyles. Glutathione can heal us and prevent diseases if we give it the chance to work its magic.
Glutathione and Your Eyes
Don’t think glutathione’s magic powers stop at preventing cancer and dementia. It can also help prevent eye conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts. All of these diseases can potentially cause vision loss in the long run.
In glaucoma patients, this antioxidant has proven to improve aqueous fluid outflow in the eye. This will help maintain a balance and clearer vision.
It’s also important to note that your eye lenses contain extremely high amounts of this antioxidant, which is critical in keeping the lens transparent. As we age, the amount of glutathione declines and the lens becomes cloudy (and essentially forms a cataract).
As an antioxidant, glutathione attacks free radicals in the eye. It’s especially helpful for patients that have diabetic retinopathy, which usually causes more free radicals to form. Supporting your glutathione levels will reduce your risk of developing cell damage in the retina and loss of vision.
Another good antioxidant friend of ours, alpha-lipoic acid, is also rich in sulfur and a glutathione promoter. The more alpha-lipoic acid you have, the better chance you have at avoiding a glutathione deficiency.
Are you starting to see why glutathione is the queen and king of antioxidants? No other molecule can hold a candle to it. It is an essential part of our body, but our modern lifestyle is threatening our health, whether we’re aware of it or not.
Where to Find It
The good news is that giving yourself a glutathione boost is quite easy. If you want to continue living a healthy life and prevent age-related and diabetes-related diseases, you should seriously consider some of these options. Remember to talk to your doctor before pursuing these methods. They aren’t dangerous, but it’s always good to get a second opinion!
One very easy way to boost your glutathione levels is to exercise. Regular cardio exercise is as great for the eyes as it is for the body. Studies have shown that cardio exercise can actually lower your risk of developing eye diseases. In the case of this antioxidant, exercise promotes a healthy immune system and improves detoxification.
You don’t even need to exercise like an athlete or bodybuilder. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise (jogging, walking, aerobics) is a perfect way to get started. Lace up those running shoes and hit the streets!
You can also find glutathione supplements, which can be extremely useful for those with low glutathione levels. The supplements are quick doses of glutathione that will get to work immediately. This is good for people who are ill. Luckily, the Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula contains a healthy dose of this antioxidant!
Whey protein is also a good way of getting your glutathione. Whey protein should most likely to be found in a shake or mixed in with water or milk. The best time to have the protein is after your workout. Your body is at its most absorbent within the 30 minutes following your workout. All the nutrients will be quickly picked up by your body.
Foods Containing Glutathione
Finally, there are several scrumptious foods that are high in glutathione. The trick here is to actually find foods that are high in sulfur. Through the sulfur, you’ll get your glutathione.
Here are some sulfur rich foods:
- Eggs
- Asparagus
- Onions
- Garlic
- Broccoli
- Watermelon
- Grapefruit
As we mentioned before, you can also find glutathione in our Ocu-Plus Formula. Glutathione is crucial for living a healthy life. Without it, we would all be suffering from various diseases. Keep your eyes healthy by adding glutathione to your diet and make sure your body is producing enough by staying active!
Our Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula Contains All 17 Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbal Supplements to Improve Your Eye Health!
I have been taking glutathione for about three weeks. My energy is better…more consistent, and my sleep has improved. Today, as I put my contact lenses in, I noticed a huge change. I had to revert back to a lower prescription which to me, indicates and improvement in my vision. The
Thanks for the info. I do chew garlic occasionally. I will now add exercise to it.
Please clarify the directions for taking the whey protein. The comment regarding that was unclear. Is it before a workout or after? Thank you
The best time to have the protein is after your workout.
Thanks sir for your kind suggestion for Glutathione….to have sulfur in ample storage. ..that’s in Eggs Asparagus Onions Garlic Broccoli Watermelon Grapefruit….sanjay kokane. .