Stay Hydrated for Happy Eyes
Wet eyes aren’t always a sign of crying. The eyes need wetness to stay lubricated and functioning. If you want to have healthy and happy eyes, drink lots of water so you don’t become dehydrated. You’re probably familiar with the fact that dehydration can cause a whole host of health problems. Especially in relation to your kidneys, but dehydration can also cause problems with your eyes and vision as well. Hydrated eyes are key to healthy vision!
Dehydration occurs when there is not enough fluid in the body. Water is essential for keeping your organs functioning properly. If you’re not drinking enough water or if your body is losing fluids, you will become dehydrated. Your body loses fluid in a number of different ways on a daily basis, such as when you sweat, urinate, or even when you have a bowel movement. If you are in the heat for too long or drinking alcohol, you’re more susceptible to dehydration. Vomiting or having diarrhea and even being diabetic increase your risk. People in these groups should be very aware of their water intake.
When your body begins to lose too much fluid, it will try to preserve the fluid that is still left. This leads to the development of dehydration symptoms such as increased thirst. Also, a decrease in urination, dry mouth, headaches, muscle cramps, lightheadedness, drowsiness, and even reduced tear production. These symptoms are uncomfortable, but they’re even worse for people with pre-existing conditions. When your eyes are no longer able to produce tears, they can’t stay lubricated. This leads to eye strain, dry eye, and problems with your vision.
Dry Eye
If you’re suffering from dry eye, you definitely don’t have hydrated eyes. Tears are necessary for keeping your eyes lubricated and providing you with clear vision. They also work to wash away any debris that gets in the eye such as dust, dirt, or eyelashes. And, they help to decrease the risk of developing eye infections. If you have dry eyes, this is usually due to the fact that there is not enough tear production. It can be a result of being dehydrated.
Notice if your eyes are irritated, your vision is blurry, or it feels as though there is something in one. Most likely, you are experiencing symptoms of dry eye. You can use eye drops to help lubricate your eyes and lessen the symptoms of dry eye. You can also use them to wash out your eye if there is debris in it. But the best way to treat dry eyes is to rehydrate your eyes by drinking lots of water.
Eye Strain
One common eye problem caused by dehydration is eye strain. However, eye strain can also be caused by spending too much time focusing on visual tasks, like using a digital device, such as a computer or tablet, for long periods of time. Symptoms of eye strain include blurred vision, double vision, headaches, and eye fatigue. If your eye strain is occurring due to dehydration, you can rehydrate your eyes by drinking more water. You can also relieve the symptoms by allowing your eyes time to rest and blinking or closing your eyes.
Avoiding Dehydration
To ensure your eyes stay happy and healthy, you should avoid dehydration as much as possible. Dehydration is harmful to your eyes and your organs. Severe, untreated dehydration can even lead to brain damage, seizures, and death.
Staying hydrated requires you to drink plenty of water every day. It is recommended that you drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water or more on a daily basis. You should also cut back on the amount of caffeine and alcohol you put into your body. Don’t only drink water when you feel thirsty. Having bottled water (store-bought or refilled from home) on hand is a good idea. Carry it with you so you can drink throughout the day. Always have bottled water with you when you are going to spend time outdoors in the heat. Drink water constantly when you are doing any kind of physical activity. Ensure your children are drinking enough water each day. This is especially important in the summer when they play outside.
Hydrated Eyes: Keeping Your Eyes Healthy
In addition to making sure you stay hydrated, take other measures to keep your eyes and your vision healthy, the first of which is to make sure you’re getting your eyes examined on a regular basis.
The American Optometric Association recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 60 have their eyes checked every two years. That’s if there are no eye or vision problems evident. If you are considered at risk, you should have your eyes checked every year or as recommended by your eye doctor. Adults that are 61 or older should have their eyes checked every year or as recommended by their eye doctor.
At-risk individuals are those who are diabetic or hypertensive. They may have a family history of eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. Those who work in occupations that can pose risks to the eyes are at risk. Anyone who takes prescription or non-prescription drugs that have ocular side effects should be aware. As well as those who’ve had eye surgery, wear contacts, or have other health issues.
Make sure you have a well-balanced diet that includes eye-healthy foods. Such as kale, spinach, carrots, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and many others. Including these foods in your daily diet can help to protect against eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and dry eye syndrome, keeping your vision strong.
You can also choose to take vitamins to supplement the nutrients that you should be getting from your food. There are so many nutrients that are beneficial to the eyes and vision. It can be hard to get all those nutrients from your food alone. You’d be eating all day to try and do that, not to mention the time and effort it takes to change your diet. Supplements are a safe and more convenient option. Consider taking a supplement, like our Ocu-Plus Formula, that will give you the daily recommended dose of each all at once.
Our Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula Contains All 17 Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbal Supplements to Improve Your Eye Health!
Unfortunately,I had visited many Optomolosgist in Mumbai City, India but here the doctors act like Designers and talk less to build their image and status mostly.
They just Prescribe expensive drops,that’s all.
Seems feeling unprofessional to guide you to small thumb rule solutions or root reasons.
May be love to keep you ignorant or they are just for money and lacks full baked Knowledge.
They make you doubt them that whether they are full baked or just want patient to be regular visitor.
No one of the Opthamolgist guided me that I should drink water and blurrness could be due to dehydration.
Opticians in shops want you to change the glasses and not to get cured or Visit Optomolosgist
So many money minded so called qualified Professional here then calling them doctors,to serving the society.
They some time advice you not to trust online advice and not to follow the advice.
Thank you,I realised that dehydration could be cause and due to Fluorescent light,Global warming and Mobile could be the culprits.
Very helpful and I bet that’s what leads to a brain tumor also, by not drinking plenty of water! 🙂
My knowledge expanded, thank you
i thought it was a good article it taut me a mlot about the eyes
Alex- You can find drops mentioned under DRY EYE “Eye drops can be used to help lubricate your eyes and lessen the symptoms of dry eye that you may be experiencing and they can also be used to wash out your eye if there is debris in it. But the best way to treat dry eyes is to rehydrate your eyes and your body by drinking a lot of water.” Try to find drops with no irritating preservatives.
Tyler- Thank you for this article! I will investigate your site with great interest! If I drink any less than 1/2 gallon of water per day my vision suffers. Sincerely, CC
Thanks for writing this article, Tyler. I think you have an incredibly strong opinion on this matter and rightfully so; you’re a U.S. Navy fighter pilot! I didn’t know that staying hydrated helped your eye health, so I’ll be sure to implement water much more in my diet. You mentioned dry eye’s affect on vision and one way to treat it, but you didn’t mention eye drops; are they helpful? Thanks for sharing!
Alex Jennings