
Beneficial Foods That Help Improve Eyesight

Beneficial Foods That Help Improve Eyesight Image

Wine anyone? For once, one of our bad habits may actually benefit our eyes. Red wine, taken in moderation, contains quercetin, which is a strong antioxidant. You don’t drink? Apples, grapes, cherries, oranges, and onions also contain quercetin. Macular degeneration can be prevented or slowed by this extraordinary antioxidant. Consider adding a glass of red […]

Eye Vitamins for Presbyopia (Aging Vision)

Eye Vitamins for Presbyopia (Aging Vision)

Some things improve with age, but unfortunately, the human eye is not one of them.  We’ve talked extensively about common eye conditions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, glaucoma, and cataracts on our blog. But aging is unavoidable, and with age comes natural vision deterioration. If you suffer from poor eyesight caused by aging vision, medically known […]

AMD Occurring Earlier Than Previously Thought

AMD Occurring Earlier Than Previously Thought

It’s no secret that vision deteriorates with age. This can be due to many reasons, from straining your eyes through overuse to genetic abnormalities. One of these issues is age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease that causes vision problems and blindness associated with people over the age of 50. Many people may put off worrying […]

How to Care for Your Child’s Eyes Without Breaking the Bank

How to Care for Your Child's Eyes Without Breaking the Bank

Childhood is a crucial period for visual health. However, child eye care isn’t always cheap. Some parents wonder how exactly they can get their child’s visual health up to par without overspending. Young eyes take time to fully mature – babies lack distance vision, tracking, and even color vision at birth. They develop these abilities […]

Nutrition in Vision: Try a Local Diet

Nutrition in Vision: Try a Local Diet

It’s no secret that fruit and vegetables are good for you because of their many beneficial nutrients. But did you know that produce that is locally grown is even better for you than what you may typically find in the supermarket? Not just better for your overall health, but a local diet even has major […]

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

We’re always looking for new ways to boost our eye health and watching out for lifestyle habits that can impact our vision. And when a new study emerges that proves one of our “bad habits” is actually good for us, then that’s cause for celebration! By now, most of us have heard that the occasional […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Athletes

Best Eye Vitamins for Athletes

Whenever an athlete gets injured, there are many conversations in the media about what it will take for them to recover and how it will impact both their and their team’s futures. But, have you ever considered what would happen if an athlete developed a vision issue? For athletes, vision is an integral function of […]

Do Contact Lenses Come with Potential Health Risks?

Do Contact Lenses Come with Potential Health Risks?

If you need corrective eyewear to see properly, chances are, you have contact lenses. It’s the lens of choice both for cosmetic and practical reasons. Some people don’t like the look of glasses, while others can’t have external lenses like eyeglasses because of their line of work or hobbies. No matter what the motive, contact […]

How to Relieve Eye Strain Caused by Using Digital Devices

Easy, Natural Ways to Relieve Eye Strain Caused by Using Digital Devices

Digital devices are nothing new. From elementary school up to the workplace, more and more of life’s daily tasks are being conducted digitally. With this societal shift comes a lot more digital eye strain caused by using digital devices. So, what do we need to know in order to mitigate these risks? Everyone using mobile […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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