Food For Your Eyes

A healthy diet isn’t only important to have a healthy body; what you eat also affects your vision. These articles delve into the eye health benefits and risks of our daily diets. From the foods highest in vision improving nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, to the eyesight-hindering highly processed foods that are so convenient, we talk about what you should and shouldn’t consume if you want to keep your eyes and vision healthy.

Omega-3: Fat That’s Good for Your Health & Eyes

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Just like cars that need oil, our bodies are intricate machines that need fatty acids to run well. Yes, you heard me right! This is one fat that is not only good for your body but is essential for your body to work the way it’s supposed to: Omega-3. This oil is one of these […]

An A-Z Guide to the Best Nutrients for Your Eyes

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What you eat and how you nourish your body can help you improve your vision and your overall health. Having enough of certain nutrients for your eyes through diet or supplements can help improve your vision. You can even protect against macular degeneration, reduce your risk for glaucoma, and enhance your night vision. In this […]

Are You Lacking Proper Nutrients for Your Eyes?

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It’s no secret that vitamins and minerals are important for your eye health. Vitamins do a range of things for your eyes, from preventing disease to maintaining visual acuity. But what happens when you don’t get enough nutrients for your eyes? For your eyes to be as healthy as possible, they need a full range […]

Best Herbs for Eyesight

Best Herbs for Eyesight

Did you know that there are certain herbs for eyesight that can support your vision and keep it from diminishing? There are also herbs that are known to actually improve eyesight. You’ve heard about the supplements we constantly recommend here at Rebuild Your Vision, but we don’t often talk about herbs. If you’re looking for […]

How High-Sugar Foods Affect Your Eyesight

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Eating a lot of high-sugar foods can have detrimental effects on the body. I know, shocking, isn’t it?! Mainly, eating too much sugar will cause metabolic dysfunction. Metabolic dysfunction can cause weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But, did you know that eating too much sugar can also affect your eyesight? Much […]

4 Super Leafy Greens for Improved Eyesight

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It’s a well-known old wives’ tale that spinach can help your eyesight. Our mothers and our mother’s mothers before that told us to eat our vegetables. As it turns out, what our moms have been telling us for years isn’t an old wives’ tale at all. Spinach, along with other leafy greens, has been scientifically […]

Don’t Overlook Vitamins & Minerals for Eye Health

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If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then think of vitamins and minerals as the frame that holds the glass panes in place for you. Without the proper support system that vitamins and minerals supply, your eyes become empty and boarded over. That’s why we’re so insistent about ensuring that you are fueling […]

Best Eye Supplements to Boost Your Vision Health

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There are thousands upon thousands of eye supplements on the market. A simple Google search will bring up an extensive list. But how do you know which ones are best for you? How many nutrients do your eyes need? Chances are, you’re unsure of where to start to improve your eye health. Ensuring you get […]

Which Eye Health Supplements Should I Take?

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There’s always controversy over whether supplements are good or bad for you. The problem lies in what you define as a supplement. At Rebuild Your Vision, we refer to natural eye health supplements that fulfill your body’s need for a specific nutrient. It’s about being healthy in a natural, non-synthetic, non-harmful way. Of course, it’s […]

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Vitamins

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Our bodies need a specific blend of vitamins and nutrients to function optimally and last well into our elderly years. Most of those critical vitamins come from our diets. Nearly 45 percent of child deaths are related to undernutrition. But it’s not only third-world countries that suffer from vitamin deficiencies. It’s common for Americans to […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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